Identifying colors
We have bought this kit and are having problems identifying which brown colors are which. We are missing one and in able to order it from the company we are to figure out the missing one. Is there somewhere I can go to find a yarn sample chart not the chart that comes in the kit?
Posted by: unsers2003 on 08/09/16
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Unfortunately, you will have to contact the manufacturer of the kit in order to get any type of replacements or information on their yarn. A lot of the time, the manufacturers use their own brand of yarn for their products to the only way to get more or get info on them is through them. Here is how you can contact Caron:

Just copy that link in your web browser and on their contact us page there is an email form and also a phone number listed on the right hand side. Just give them a call and they will be able to help you. Thank you.

~Kristi @ ELH
Posted by: Kristi @ ELH on 08/10/16